By Wellness Author

  • Posted On 2021-08-07

Top 10 Self-Meditation Techniques to Find Inner Peace and Happiness

What is peace of mind and inner calm? Try these 10 self-meditation techniques that could help you to achieve inner peace.

Top 10 Self-Meditation Techniques to Gain Inner Peace

Inner peace is what everyone nowadays seems to be desperately craving. Unfortunately, in the current COVID-19 pandemic scenario, many people are experiencing negative feelings such as frustration, sadness, anxiety, fear, and even depression. Finding peace in the chaos of life is a real challenge as one tries to balance their work from home, their social responsibilities, personal life, as well as family obligations. If you have been having troubles related to your mental health while working from home, then you are not alone.

Self-meditation techniques can help you to improve your health and stay calm as you work from home. These are some benefits that are often associated with those who practise meditation:

- Improved quality of sleep

- Relief in anxiety symptoms

- Aid to overcome depression

- Improved quality and clarity of thoughts

- Normalised blood pressure

Read on as we guide you through the top 10 self-meditation techniques to gain inner peace!

1.  Breathing Techniques

It is one of the best meditation techniques for beginners as they often complain that meditation is complex and often gives up on the practice. To achieve a deep state of meditation takes patience, consistency, and training. Scientific studies have proved that deep breathing as a self-meditation technique activates your vagus nerve, stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system, and produces a calming effect on the mind and body.

 So you just need to follow three simple steps

  • Create time and space for this practice
  • Sit in a comfortable position and correct posture
  • Take a deep breath and focus on inhale-exhale for 15-30 min a day

2. Mindfulness Meditation

This technique involves training your mind. It’s the next stage of meditation that involves deep breathing and awareness of your mind and body. You need to control your mind, slow down your thoughts, and allow negativity to go off. When thoughts come up, do not get carried away. These thoughts may be of worry, anxiety, or fear; however, try to ignore them and return to your breathing. Recent research has shown that mindfulness meditation improves your emotional intelligence that eventually leads to overall well-being, better mental health, and job satisfaction. This self meditation technique also enhances the quality of sleep.

3. Mantra Meditation

It involves chanting of mantras either loudly or silently and is usually practised in Indian tradition. Silent mantra meditation is also called transcendental meditation and is the best self-meditation technique. You can use the mantra of a deity, or it can be a simple word like ‘OM.’ For mantra meditation, sit comfortably in a quiet place, close your eyes, and say the word slowly and repeatedly. You can split the mantra and repeat the half mantra while inhaling and the rest half mantra while exhaling. For example, if a mantra is chanted as ‘SO HUM,’ you say ‘SO’ as you inhale and ‘HUM’ as you inhale. The chanting of mantra as a self meditation technique will quieten your fears, transcend the mind, and thereby help you cope with the mental hardships.

4.  Healing Meditation

Our emotions have a significant impact on our bodies. What we feel inside is usually reflected outside. It has been noticed that constant mental stress leads to diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, etc. Healing meditation often helps to reduce chronic pain and other medical conditions. A study has shown that healing meditation helps to reduce stress and produce positive life changes and thus proved to be one of the best self-meditation techniques.

5.  Visualisation Meditation

This technique focuses on boosting the feelings of relaxation, calmness, and peace by visualising cheerful scenes or images. You need to imagine the scene using all your five senses. This self-meditation technique will surely motivate you towards your goals as sometimes this technique also involves picturing yourself achieving a specific goal.

6.  Progressive relaxation meditation

When you have stress or worry, your body muscles generally tighten up. Progressive muscle relaxation helps you release muscle tension and make you feel more relaxed. It is a simple self-meditation technique that works through the entire body. You need to concentrate on one muscle group at a time and release the tension. You would notice that the muscles have relaxed momentarily. Over a while, with practice, this technique is expected to relieve stress and anxiety and help you reduce your fatigue levels. 

7. Morning Meditation

You can meditate at any time in the day. However, early morning, before you have your tea or coffee, is the ideal time for meditation. This is because your mind is comparatively free and more clear in the morning. Morning meditation is an energy booster that will make you feel more awake and alert. This self-meditation technique could be practised every day as soon as you wake up.

8. Guided Meditation

In this technique, an expert teacher guides you in person or via audio or video. So, it is considered one of the best meditation techniques for beginners. In this self-meditation technique, the teacher will take you through the dynamics of the mind and will explain meditation techniques and their benefits in our everyday life.

9. Walking Meditation

When you have trouble sitting still in one place, walking meditation is most suitable as the self meditation technique. Some people may find that if they try to sit still, it makes their anxiety worse. In such cases, consider walking meditation. You can do walking meditation anywhere and anytime. Don’t consider it as a simple walk. Here you walk with attention and intention. You walk with an open heart, goodwill and just go with the flow. Maintain mindfulness as you walk. Don’t talk on the phone when you walk. This technique can also be easily practised by beginners.

10.  Yoga Meditation

Yoga is not just a form of exercise; it is the training of both mind and body, as well as a holistic self-meditation technique. Yoga includes different forms of activities and different body postures (asanas), and performing them actually leads to meditation as they are performed with conscious breathing. Different yoga meditation poses involve activating poses such as sun salutations (Surya namaskar), body balancing poses, stretching poses, as well as bending poses. So a conscious concentration and relaxation with a steady asana pose will help to bring you to the state of meditation. This self-meditation technique is believed to promote overall mental as well as physical well-being.

All you need to do is combine any of the self-meditation techniques with your current lifestyle choices. Also, remember that regular exercise, healthy food choices, and sound sleep will enhance the positive effects of meditation. Be with nature, get some early morning sunshine, spend quality time with your family members, and always have a positive attitude to achieve inner peace.