By Wellness Author

  • Posted On 2023-06-02

What is snoring?

Snoring is a relatively loud breathing noise that occurs while you are sleeping is referred to as snoring. One of the primary snoring reasons is restricted airflow through the mouth or nose while you are asleep. Although occasionally, snoring causes heart problems, reduced blood oxygen levels, and mental health issues. That is why it is essential to seek snoring solutions. Wellness Forever has excellent supplements that ensure you maintain the best of your health and get good sleep at night, helping you with snoring treatment.

Snoring Causes

While breathing, you pass the air via your nose, mouth, and throat. Obstruction of this airway passage makes one of the leading snoring causes. A restricted airway causes vibrations of the tissues (tongue, soft palate, tonsils, or adenoids) against each other as you push the air through, resulting in rattling or rumbling noises; or snoring. Although it is one of the most common phenomena, snoring can also be associated with underlying health issues or sleep disorders.

Snoring Reasons

Almost everyone snores at some point in time, from babies and kids to adults. However, some people are prone to snoring, and common snoring reasons include:

  • Ageing
  • Increased consumption of alcohol or sedatives
  • The poor muscle tone of your tongue or throat muscles
  • Wrong sleeping position
  • Using a too large or too soft pillow
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Enlarged tongue, long soft palate, or deviated (displaced) nasal septum
  • Men are usually more prone to snoring than women
  • Family history of snoring
  • Nasal stuffiness due to allergy or common cold
  • Obesity

You must see a doctor if snoring becomes disruptive or is associated with other severe symptoms.

Snoring Diagnosis

A snoring diagnosis includes thoroughly examining your snoring frequency, medical history, diet, lifestyle, and sleep patterns. Your doctor may pass a physical exam to check for things that can block your airways, like deviated nasal septum, swollen tonsils, or chronic nasal congestion (sinusitis or rhinitis), which can clog your airways. Snoring diagnosis involves assessing your sleep patterns; you may be asked to take up a sleep study or polysomnography, where a machine monitors your sleep, whether at home or in a sleep center. A sleep study assesses your brain wave activity, heart rate, oxygen levels, breathing patterns (to check for periods where you stop breathing), movements during your sleep (arm or leg movement or tossing and turning), sleep cycles, and frequency of snoring.

Besides, some imaging tests like an X-ray, CT, or MRI scan can help find problems in your airway, which help to diagnose snoring.

Why is it important to look for snoring solutions?

In the long term, snoring causes several health problems. Snoring interferes with your normal sleeping pattern, preventing you from getting a deep and sound sleep and leaving you exhausted and tired during the day. Besides, it strains your heart in the long term and increases the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

Snoring Treatment  

To stop snoring, we have medical treatment options and home remedies. There is no prescribed medicine for snoring; however, some lifestyle changes or anti-snoring devices make some of the best forms of snoring treatment.

Snoring treatment- Home remedies

Before going for medical snoring treatment, some lifestyle changes that can help reduce snoring include:

  • Maintain a healthy weight- If you are overweight, you are likely to have extra tissues in the throat, which may contribute to snoring causes.
  • Get adequate sleep at night- Try avoiding sleep deprivation. You will find premium supplements at Wellness Forever that help you get a restful sleep at night.
  • Sleep in proper position- Avoid sleeping on the back (your tongue tends to fall backward, narrowing your airway). It is better to sleep on your side. You can also raise your headrest or head of your bed by a few inches while sleeping.
  • Treat your nasal congestion- Sinusitis, allergic cold, and nasal congestion can be treated by apt medications (nasal sprays) to help clear airways.
  • Quit smoking- Besides delivering other health benefits, smoking cessation can help you reduce snoring.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol before you go to bed- Try not to consume alcohol or sedatives at least two hours before bedtime; they may cause excess muscle relaxation (including throat muscles), thereby causing snoring.
  • Nasal strips- You can apply adhesive nasal strips to the bridge of your nose; they help widen the nasal passage area, improving your breathing.
  • External nasal dilator- It is a stiffened adhesive strip that can be externally applied across your nostrils and facilitates easier breathing by decreasing the airflow resistance.

Snoring treatment- Medical alternatives

In severe snoring cases or when your snoring is associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea or OSA (a serious medical condition in which breathing pauses while you are asleep), doctors may suggest using some appliances for snoring treatment.

  • Using an anti-snoring device: A small plastic device is an oral appliance designed to be kept in your mouth while you sleep. It helps clear your airways by causing movement of your jaw or tongue, and it is one of the accessible forms of snoring treatment. If you opt for an anti-snoring device as a snoring solution, you have to visit a dental professional who will design the appliance as per your mouth and jaw size. Later, you will have to confirm with the sleep specialist to check if the device is helping you to work on your snoring causes. However, this anti-snoring device may cause you some side effects like a bit of facial discomfort, excess salivation, or dry mouth. 
  • CPAP: A continuous positive airway pressure machine helps you treat sleep apnea and stop snoring by blowing air into your airways while asleep.
  • Surgery: Deviated septum may restrict airflow through your nose, forcing you to breathe by your mouth, and can be one of the primary snoring reasons. Surgery can correct the structural defect in your airway, helping you to stop snoring.

Final Thoughts

Snoring is a very common phenomenon and not considered a serious problem; however, to ensure your good health, it is important you figure out snoring causes and find sustainable snoring solutions. The best medicine for snoring which works in many cases is the above-mentioned lifestyle changes. Besides, in many instances, anti-snoring devices or oral appliances work well as a snoring treatment. Wellness Forever is already famous for the highest quality organic foods, supplements, and medications that can support your well-being. Their team can guide you accurately to find snoring causes and help you with proper snoring treatment.