By Wellness Author

  • Posted On 2021-06-30

6 Common Myths Around Pregnancy


Being pregnant is not easy, and being bombarded with advice feels exhausting. Here is a list of 6 common myths around pregnancy that need to be busted.




Are you trying to conceive and already hearing about a lot of do’s and don’ts? Are you pregnant and tired of taking in advice from every single individual you meet? Everyone has a plethora of advice to share with you. But you need to think if they are true and useful for your pregnancy.

Even if every single entity out there means well for you, each pregnancy is unique. Some pieces of advice are nothing but myths, and you must verify them before applying them to your life. Myths around pregnancy are pervasive and circulate like wildfire.

Here is a list of the six most common myths around pregnancy that need to be busted for the sake of sanity.



Myth 1: Eating peanuts make babies allergic.

Unless you have been allergic to peanuts before your pregnancy, peanuts are not bad for you or your unborn baby. If you are allergic to peanuts, avoid them because they do not suit you. They will not harm your baby. Eating foods that you are allergic to can cause severe allergic reactions even in normal healthy individuals. During pregnancy, you do not wish to risk developing these allergic reactions, and hence you must stay away from allergenic foods. Eat what you feel like in moderation and enjoy your pregnancy. Avoid raw meat, seafood, soft cheeses, and other allergenic food, if any, during pregnancy.



Myth 2: You cannot exercise while pregnant.


Very common advice that you may have got from most people around you. “Oh, you are pregnant, do not exercise.” Most women have had some form of exercise routine throughout their pregnancy. Research states that every pregnant woman must engage in a light-to-moderate exercise regime to stay fit. It is recommended that you stay active and on the move to have a healthy pregnancy. However, you must consult your gynaecologist before you start any new exercise routine or if you have complications. If you are someone who has always been into fitness, continuing that through your pregnancy means no harm. 



Myth 3: Morning sickness happens only in the morning.

The name for this symptom can be misleading. But morning sickness is nothing but nausea and vomiting. It occurs as a by-product of the hormonal fluctuations occurring in your body. Only about 2% of women experience morning sickness only in the mornings. It is a symptom that can come up at any time of the day and trouble a pregnant woman. Nausea usually starts around the fourth week and settles towards the end of the first trimester. About 7 in every 10 pregnant women experience morning sickness in the first trimester. Ease your nausea with ginger, nuts, crackers, and yoghurt.



Myth 4: You cannot eat mangoes while you are pregnant.


Mango is known to be the king of fruits for a reason: its yummy taste profile. And if you are craving some mangoes during your pregnancy, go ahead and relish the taste. However, moderation is key. Eat the fruit in a controlled amount to maintain your blood sugar levels. Mangoes have a high calorific count that can cause increased weight gain and erratic blood sugar levels. If you have developed diabetes during pregnancy, then restrict yourself. Consult a gynaecologist before you consume this delicious fruit. Underlying diabetic issues can cause complications during pregnancy.



Myth 5: You cannot have hot baths.

A warm bath during pregnancy can feel soothing and refreshing. Who doesn’t love an excellent relaxing time in the bathtub? But this is advisable only when the water is warm or lukewarm. Ensure that the water isn’t too hot as that could lead to other added issues. Your body undergoes a lot of hormonal changes during pregnancy. It is advised to avoid hot baths and spas when pregnant as they tend to raise your internal core body temperature. The increase in temperature could lead to you feeling dehydrated, exhausted, or fainting due to being overheated. 



Myth 6: There are ways to define if it’s a boy or a girl. 


There is no sure-shot way to find out if you will have a baby boy or a baby girl. The only way to find out is by getting sonography done to detect the gender of the baby. This process, however, is illegal in India, and you cannot try to find your baby’s gender before birth. Some people talk about tell-tale signs like the pregnant woman’s face or belly, confirming a boy or a girl. None of these is an accurate method, so don’t fall into the trap. Focus on having a healthy baby; boy or girl, it shouldn’t matter.


There are many more myths around pregnancy, and some of them are unfathomable. If you have come across any other unsolicited advice, confirm with your gynaecologist first before observing it during your pregnancy. Do not believe everything that people say, even if they have your best interest. Some of this advice can prove to be harmful to you and your pregnancy. If you are a new mother or mom-to-be, check Wellness Forever’s curated maternity care products to pamper yourself without having to worry about any more myths around pregnancy.