By Wellness Author

  • Posted On 2022-05-25

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism refers to the integral chemical reactions that occur in our body where the food we eat is converted into energy to maintain a proper living state. The calories present in food or beverages combine with oxygen and release energy during this process. Basal metabolic rate refers to the number of calories our body uses to carry out primary functions.

Several factors determine your metabolism, such as age, sex, body composition, and physical activity. Therefore, an athlete’s metabolism will be far better than an average person’s. However, with scientific advancement, there are many ways in which anyone can improve metabolism. If you are wondering how to boost your metabolism, here are some easy and quick ways to boost your metabolism and lose weight. 

Ways to Boost Metabolism

If you have always wondered how to increase metabolism, there are some steps you can take to achieve a higher metabolic rate. These steps can boost your metabolism and lead a healthier life. 

• Power up with protein 
Protein is known as the building block of the body, and it is an incredibly essential nutrient. Adding protein to your diet is a great way to increase metabolism. Eating protein can help you boost your metabolism and increase your metabolic rate by up to 15–30 %. Eating protein can also help you lower the drop in metabolism that is common during weight loss. This happens because protein reduces muscle loss, a common side effect of dieting or weight loss programs. 

• Replace sugary drinks with water
Sugary drinks such as diet coke, sodas, or even cold-pressed juices contain a high amount of sugar, leading to a high intake of calories. However, replacing all these beverages with water is one of the great ways to boost metabolism and stay healthy. An average adult should drink at least 8–10 glasses of water a day. This is essential to flush out toxins from the body and improve metabolism. You can also include metabolism-boosting drinks in your diet for a better result. 

• Be physically active
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) or high-intensity workouts help you lose weight and improve your metabolism. If you have always wondered how to improve your metabolism, including a workout as part of your daily regime is one of the quickest methods to achieve an excellent metabolic rate and increase metabolism significantly. Exercising burns not only fat but also increases metabolism. Being physically active can boost metabolism and fight obesity. 

• Avoid sitting for long hours
If you are glued to your desk for long intervals, you should try to get up at least every half an hour and walk around to increase your metabolism. Sitting for long hours is very risky for health. It lowers your metabolic rate and delays your weight loss. You can set a timer to remind yourself to stand up after every half an hour to boost your metabolism and aid your weight loss.

• Drink green tea
Green tea has several benefits. One such advantage is that it increases metabolism to aid weight loss. Many dieticians and nutritionists advise people to drink green tea as green tea is believed to have antioxidants and metabolism-boosting properties that help regulate weight. Apart from green tea, you can also try oolong tea to improve your metabolism. 

• Eat spicy food
There are many foods that increase metabolism. Eating spicy food is an incredible way to lose weight and boost metabolism. Spicy food contains capsaicin, a substance that boosts metabolism and helps burn calories.

• Sip black coffee
The caffeine content in coffee also helps in improving the metabolic rate. You can try drinking black coffee every day, as it lowers blood pressure, aids in weight loss, and improves metabolism.

• Eat healthy snacks
Eating larger meals twice or thrice a day can be quite harmful as they can slow down your metabolic rate. However, eating frequent or smaller meals will help you eat less, aid in weight loss, and increase metabolism. Snack right – having a small snack every 3–4 hours helps maintain a smooth metabolic rate and helps in weight loss. 

• Eat probiotics
Probiotics or healthy bacteria found in yogurt and many other fermented food items are a great way to improve your gut health and boost your metabolism. They are an excellent source of protein and calcium to increase metabolism and help regulate your weight. 

• Sleep peacefully
A good night’s sleep is essential to increase metabolism and ensure your body functions properly. Try to get at least 7–8 hours of sleep every night to improve metabolism and maintain proper weight. Avoid napping during the day as it can slow your metabolism and lead to an increase in weight. 


Boosting metabolism can be the best way to lose weight and maintain a healthy body. There are several ways to do so: the most critical of them being exercise and a good sleep routine, besides ensuring a healthy diet. Although we cannot control age, gender, and genetics, we can be mindful about eating right, exercising, and staying fit and healthy to increase metabolism and improve our health significantly!