By Wellness Author

  • Posted On 2022-03-05

Acne and Pimples - Know the Difference

Our breakout blues are often described interchangeably by the terms acne and pimples. However, these are two entirely different occurrences. While acne points towards an ongoing skin condition, pimples are but one type that comes and goes. The difference, medically speaking, is that the former is a disease, and the latter is a symptom. Let us delve deeper into these blemishes that do not define our beauty regardless of their presence!

What Is Acne?

Acne is a common skin condition wherein the pores of our skin get clogged by the debris of dead skin cells, dirt, bacteria, and sebum (an oily substance released by tiny follicles on our skin). It is a severe and often quite painful condition characterised by recurring pimples and other lesions on the skin such as blackheads, whiteheads, and other nodules. It is the most everyday skin condition known to exist.

Different Types Of Acne 

There are several types of acne:

Whiteheads - clogged pores that are closed and deep down in the skin

Blackheads - clogged pores that are open on the skin surface

Nodules - large, deep, and painful pimples

Papules - pinkish lesions on the skin

Pustules - pinkish lesions filled with pus

Cysts - Pus filled spots that may leave behind scars

What Causes Acne? 

Acne has multifactorial causes. While their development may be significantly attributed to hormonal changes, especially around the time of attainment of puberty, no one at no age is immune to their occurrence. The hormone associated with its development is an androgen, a male hormone. Apart from this presence of the bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes is also a contributing factor. Other factors that can aggravate acne are:

•Picking at acne lesions

•Dirt and air pollution

•Greasy and oily foods, chocolate, junk foods, and foods with a high glycemic index

•Oily and pore-clogging skincare products

•Certain medications like steroids

•And heredity

Symptoms of Acne 

Commonly, acne occurs on the face and shoulders. Other sites that may be involved include the trunk, legs, arms, and buttocks.

Acne is mainly characterised by crusting of the skin with red, black, or white eruptions on the skin. These areas may be surrounded by additional redness. Further, some scarring may be present after the healing of these bumps.

How To Prevent Acne? 

Prevention primarily aims at maintaining a good diet and personal hygiene. Additionally, the use of good quality skincare products and tips like the following can do wonders in acne prevention: 

•Use of cleansers that contain salicylic acid, which reduces acne

•Using oil-free facewash and makeup products

•Using light water-based moisturisers that are ‘non-comedogenic’ prevents the eruption of bumps.

•Gentle scrubbing of the face instead of vigorous cleaning

It would be best if you also aimed to stay well hydrated, avoid excessive exposure to the sun, and avoid touching the face.

How To Treat Acne?

The medical management of acne aims to use four types of drugs and some hormonal substances. These include:

•Retinol containing products applied topically on the skin

•Antibiotics to whoosh away the bacteria and reduce redness and inflammation

•Azelaic acid and salicylic acid 

•Dapsone, a drug used specifically for inflammatory acne

•And anti-androgen products

Buy these recommended skincare products Wellness Forever.

Pimples are small papules or pustules and are a type of acne. More specifically, pimples are a symptom of acne. They may or may not be associated with acne and can occur alone.

Different Types Of Pimples 

Pimples are mainly of two types - papules and pustules.

A papule is a slight red elevation on the skin surface, usually less than 5 millimetres in size as per medical grading. It does not have a yellow or white centre filled with pus, nor does it have a lack centre differentiating it from a blackhead. 

On the other hand, a pustule develops when the papule gets infected, and there occurs deposition of creamy yellow or white pus within the centre of the papule. This transformation is quite commonly seen, and the process takes a few days. 

Popping these pustules may be tempting but is not recommended for it may cause the spread of infection or predispose you to scar.

What Causes Pimples 

The causes of pimples are often the same as that of acne - hormonal changes, puberty, excessive intake of an oily and fatty diet. More here is the importance of local factors such as localised infection (usually not associated with inflammation), impurities in the skin, in-grown hair, or clogging of pores with sebum or sweat.

Symptoms of Pimples 

Their symptoms include superficial blemishes over the skin, mainly the face and shoulders, with the absence of inflammation. There is only minimal associated swelling and redness. They may occur from time to time in individuals of any age or sex. However, persisting or excessive pimples s indicative of having acne-prone skin.

How to Treat Pimples? 

Treatment could reduce bacteria on the skin, reduce oil, and general cleansing and skincare.

Reducing oil can be done by using an astringent or toner to cleanse your facial skin. Products containing glycolic acid or benzoyl peroxide can have additional effects.

Over-the-counter antibacterial cleansers and benzoyl peroxide can reduce bacteria.

Cleansing and skincare involve scrubbing, using mild face cleansers, exfoliating skin masks, and retinol, a derivative of vitamin A. 


Acne is a common skin disorder, while pimples are a symptom of acne. These are preventable and treatable conditions that require you to be more vigilant about your hygiene and choices. While the prevention and treatment overlap, it is important to identify the difference between the two types of eruptions on your skin to treat them properly. Not touching your face and scratching goes a long way in preventing complications like scars on your skin. Alas, we at Wellness Forever think you are beautiful just as you are and would like to supplement your beauty with our products!