By Wellness Author

  • Posted On 2021-06-26

Memory loss in old age is not impossible to deal with. This article explains memory loss and simple tips on healthcare to help improve your memory and lead a happy life.



5 Easy Steps for Manicure and Pedicure at Home


Indulging yourself in a session of manicure and pedicure is a great way to feel relaxed and 


pampered. However, beauty treatment and salon services these days are too expensive! So, 


if you are trying to save some money or visiting a salon is simply not an option, then it is 


about time that you master the skill of carrying out a manicure and pedicure at home. 

Follow these easy steps and tips for the perfect at-home spa experience.



What is a Manicure?


A manicure refers to a soothing beauty treatment of the hands. In the process, your nails are 

cut, filed, and shaped. The care regime includes pushing back the cuticles, tidying them, and 


a therapeutic hand massage. The final step is for beautifying the nails, wherein they are 


painted with the colour of your choice.


Since hands are more exposed to dirt and harsh weather, they tend to show wrinkles faster 


than the face. Frequent manicures, therefore, ensure overall health and hygiene of the 


hands. It not only gives your hand a perfectly polished look but also improves the texture of 


the skin. Moreover, maintaining your hands with regular manicures helps you look 


well-groomed and presentable, thus instantly enhancing your appearance.



What is Pedicure?


The neatness and cleanliness of our feet, especially toenails can often be neglected, and 

this is where pedicure comes to the rescue. It is a comprehensive package that involves 


cutting nails, shaping them, caring for cuticles, massaging the feet, and if desired painting 


the toenails.


Besides keeping your feet hydrated and healthy, pedicures help in the prevention of nail 

disorders like ingrown nails and cater to cracked heels. The benefit of frequent pedicure 


doesn’t stop here! Regular pedicures help in removing calluses of the feet. Calluses are 


caused by persistent pressure and friction on particular parts of the feet. Getting a pedicure 


regularly assists in detecting nail or fungal diseases; so that you take precautionary 


measures at an early stage.



Essential tools required for manicure and pedicure at home  


With the correct tools and a little practice, you will be on your way to achieving a brilliant 

manicure and pedicure. Here are the 10 tools that you need to gather for a salon level 


manicure and pedicure at home:


1. Nail clipper/ Cutter


2. Cuticle pusher


3. Cuticle remover


4. Cuticle nipper


5. Cuticle oils and creams

6. Nail buffer


7. Nail file/ Shaping tools


8. Exfoliator/ Pumice stone/ Foot file


9. Toe separator


10. Mild scrub



You can get these individual grooming tools at your nearest medical store. You can also buy 


a  manicure and pedicure kit that includes all the basic supplies. Now, take a look at the 


purpose of each tool. Let’s begin!



1.      Nail clipper/ cutter


A nail cutter is the most basic tool you need for a home manicure or pedicure. Though it is 


found in every household, a proper functioning nail clipper is vital for the process. Trimming 


down nails from time to time is necessary as they are the dirtiest part of the body and also a 


breeding ground for bacteria.



2.      Cuticle pusher

Our cuticles need more care so they don’t become dry, scaly, or flaky. A cuticle pusher helps 


to remove excess cuticle growth from the nail bed and also helps in sealing the ends. Metal 


cuticle pushers make an ideal option, but if you have softer cuticles, opt for a wooden one 





3.      Cuticle remover

A cuticle remover helps in softening the skin around the nail; therefore, it must be applied 


before using a cuticle pusher.


4.      Cuticle nipper


Used for trimming down ingrown nails and to deal with tough cuticles and dry skin, this 


product ensures a perfect nail ending. It offers great precision, thus enabling the removal of 

the unwanted soft tissues that surround the nails.


5.      Cuticle oils and creams

Tools like cuticle nipper, remover, and pusher leave the skin dry. It is therefore important to 


use some oil (such as coconut, flaxseed, or olive oil) or moisturising cream which will keep 


your hands soft. These oils and creams will keep the skin and tissues from damage.



6.      Nail buffer

Ever wondered how some people have perfectly smooth, shiny, and glossy nails? Well, the 


secret is an appropriate buffer. This tool removes the dullness from nails by peeling out the 


dry ridges and fixing a cracked nail. The main job is to polish the nails and give them a 


consistent look.


7.      Shaping tools/ Nail file

As the name suggests, the shaping tool helps you shape your nail by grinding down the 


edges of the nail and making them smoother. Shaping tools include two main gears: a nail 


file or an emery board. For beginners who are starting to try manicure and pedicure at 

home, we suggest you use basic and easy emery boards. These boards are gentler as 


compared to metal files.


8.      Pumice stone/ Foot file

For taking a pedicure at home, these tools are a must. A pumice stone helps to remove 

calluses and dry skin that mounts up mainly in the heels and bottom of the feet. The rough 

design of foot files aids in getting rid of cracked skin.


9.      Toe separator

Painting the toe isn’t an easy job! To avoid the mess while applying nail polish on your toes, 


just place this tool between your toes. The paint won’t smudge! Additionally, this separator 


comes in with a host of health benefits; it helps in realigning joints, straightening bent toes, 

and even increasing blood circulation.


10.  Mild scrub

Just as you exfoliate your face, it is necessary for your hands and feet as well. Using a mild 

scrub will remove the dead cells present on the outermost layer of skin.



5 Steps for manicure and pedicure at home


So, are you ready to get that insta-worthy manicure and pedicure at home? To make the 

treatment all the more comfortable for you to carry out, we have chalked out 5 easy-to-do 





Step 1

To begin with, ensure your toenails and fingernails are clean and polish-free. Next, take a 


nail clipper or a filer and shape your nails to the appropriate or preferred length. Up next 


comes the buffing block, smoothen out your nails using the nail buffer.



Step 2

Now, it’s the time to exfoliate. Soak and scrub your hands with a mild scrub. Gently scrape 


out the dry and dead cells.


A quick tip: Soak your hands for 3 and feet for 5 minutes.



Step 3


Moderately massage your cuticles with a few drops of cuticle oil. By this time your cuticles 


should be soft, so now gently push them back with the help of a cuticle pusher.


Step 4


Apply the essential base coat to hydrate and protect nails from chipping. It just needs one 


thin coat. After a few minutes, apply two more thin layers of nail paint. Once dry, paint a top 


coat to add more shine to your nails.


Step 5

Finally, the best part! Lay on your couch, chill, and don’t touch anything. For a perfect finish, 


you can apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to your toenails and fingernails. This would also 


accelerate the drying process. With that your professional manicure and pedicure are 























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