By Wellness Author

  • Posted On 2023-03-21


Isn't it interesting to learn that vitamin C can help heal wounds and protect the body from serious diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, etc.? Nevertheless, the body cannot produce vitamin C on its own and it must be obtained from food sources.

Citrus fruits are a fantastic source of vitamin C. But the goodness of citrus fruits does not end here. These colourful and delicious fruits are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, and other micronutrients that offer a host of other wonderful health benefits.

So, what are citrus fruits? Believed to be native to Southeast Asia and Australia, citrus fruits are flowering shrubs and trees belonging to the rue or Rutaeceae family.

These tangy, sweet, and sour class of fruits, including oranges, grapefruit, mandarins, lemons, pomelos, etc., have a leathery rind that contains juicy segments.

Read on to discover the various citrus fruits' benefits and how they can add a nutritious burst of flavour to one's diet.


Oranges are round, reddish-yellow coloured fruits. They are nutrient-dense and contain plenty of vitamin C, thiamine, folate, potassium, and fibre.

A medium-sized orange contains around 70 mg of vitamin C, which is more than 100% of the RDI (recommended daily intake). Oranges are also a great source of carotenoids and flavonoids.

Being low in calories, oranges offer health benefits, including the following:

• Strengthening of the immune system.

• Promoting heart health and reducing many risk factors for heart disease, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), blood sugar, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

• Helping to reduce the risk of certain cancers.

• Reducing the risk of type-2 diabetes and

• Helping to improve the body’s ability to absorb iron, thus preventing anaemia.


Grapefruits have a tangy sweet-sour flavour and come in varied colours such as yellow, pink, red, and white. They are low-calorie fruits with high fibre content.

Pomelos are rich in vitamins A and vitamin C. The fruits also contain phytochemicals such as beta-carotene, lycopene, limonoids, and flavonoids.

Grapefruit offers many health benefits including:

• The fibre helps to reduce inflammation blood pressure and blood and improve heart health. It also helps to boost gut health, reduce LDL cholesterol levels, and help in weight management.

• The vitamin C in pomelos can help enhance the immune system and also combat bacteria and viruses.

• Beta-carotene helps in maintaining good eye health and prevents heart disease and cancer.

• The phytochemicals in the fruit help to fight cancer.


Often used in very small quantities because of their intense sour taste, lemons add a unique flavour to dishes.

Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C. A lemon weighing 58 grams can provide 30 mg of vitamin C, which is around 51% of the RDI. Lemons are also rich in fibre, iron, citric acid, and plant compounds.

Following are some of the health benefits of lemons:

• The vitamin C and plant compounds in lemons can help to lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health.

• The plant compounds may help lose weight.

• The citric acid in lemons may help to prevent kidney stones.

• The vitamin C and citric acid in the lemons can help the body to absorb iron from the food, thus preventing anaemia.

• The fibre intake from eating lemon pulp can help to boost digestive health.


The largest citrus fruit in the rue family, pomelo, has a thick, pale-coloured rind and yellow to green flesh.

The fruit has a similar taste to that of grapefruit but is much sweeter. Pomelo is a great source of vitamin C, potassium, protein, and fibre and also contains several other vitamins and minerals.

Eating pomelo has numerous benefits, such as the following:

• Vitamin C helps to prevent cell damage caused by free radicals.

• The potassium in the fruit helps regulate blood pressure and fluid balance.

• Pomelo is rich in fibre, and one fruit contains about 6 grams, which helps to keep the gut functioning efficiently and prevents constipation. The fibre along with the protein helps to keep a person satiated for longer and aids in weight loss.

• Like other citrus fruits, pomelo also contains antioxidants named naringin and naringenin. It also contains lycopene. These antioxidants have anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties and promote heart health.


Zesty citrus fruits are delicious as well as extremely nutritious. Packed with loads of vitamin C, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, they can help to improve the immune system, keep chronic diseases away and promote good health.

Need help boosting your vitamin C levels? Check out Wellness Forever for a wide range of supplements that can keep the body fit and healthy at all times.